Tuesday, 15 March 2016


            Maya empire By: Iker Plaza

The maya empire was originate in Yucatan.

They were the most advanteage persons living in central América. 

Mayas were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools.

They made offerings to gods to have a good yeras and good crops.

The history of the mayas is divided in 3 periods: the Preclassic, Classic, and Postclassic periods.These were preceded by the Archaic Period. And the final one was the Contact Period.


Preclassic Period (c. 2000 BC – 250 AD)


The first civilization was developed, staments were established, they cultivate crops of maize, beans, squash, and chili pepper.

Classic period (c. 250–900 AD)

The Classic period is largely defined as the period during which the lowland Maya raised dated monuments using the Long Count calendar. In this period, Mayas start to built very big buldings used for sacrificing people or, to left there the dead bodies.
In the Early Classic, cities throughout the Maya region were influenced by the great metropolis of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico.

Postclassic (c. 950-1539 d. C.)

When people left the most important cities of the classic period, only a minority keep its culture and live in the Posclassic Period.
The activity centre was moved to the North and to the highest part of the territory.

The Spanish conquered

In the year 1511, one carebel stops in the Caribean Islands and a lot of Spanish sailors stablished a camp in Maya territory. They were captured and the mayority was sacrificed but the other ones escape. Between the years 1517 and 1519 three independent Spanish expeditions explore the coast of Yucatan. In the year 1697 Martín de Urzúa defeact the maya empire


Monday, 14 March 2016

By: Iker Plaza

Leonardo da Vinci        

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, borns the 15th of April of the year 1452 in Vinci, republic of Florence and he dies the 2nd of may of the year 1519 with 67 years old in Amboise.4

In the artistic plan, with Rafael and Miguel Ángel they form the group of “The Masters of the Cincuechento “. Its posible that the fastination that his works produce dosnt stop increasing over the years.

Is enourmus curiosity suddenly appears, when he was a kid he draws mitological animals that he invent.

He start like an aprentice in the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio, with him he used at first the oil colour.

When he was 30 he realized mechanical and hydraulical projects. Also he work at sculpture and architecture.

When he grow he make a group of discipols.
In the year 1503 he was already considered one of most important masters in Italy. The top of his work was the portrait of Mona Lisa Gheradini. Portrait that is also named the Gioconda.
He left Milan and he desided to live in the Batican city. The last years of his live he was considered a member of the nobelty

His most famous works

Ø La ultima cena. http://www.significados.com/foto/b96f-la-ultima-cena-da-vinci.jpg

Ø La Virgen de las rocas.

Ø La Batalla de Anghiari.     https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhfPlS9AW9o_PPjNPizh4BE_-nHbBOr4WmyBLnMByW4Gs_HftN2GhQeRozRh5N96X8TQOtprbbAFN-7miq8VFnRtvvnP-upEX98FimUFBYhyphenhypheneidk34NGDSHVAsyNAjwUoBN9qWQAF2cPeI/s1600/leonardo.jpg

Ø La dama del Armiño.


Ø La Anunciacion.


Ø La Mona Lisa


Friday, 4 March 2016


This empire was very big and advanced culture in the american continent but it lasted only one century. The Incas were a peruvian tribu that spoke Quechua language and their capital was Cuzco.
The incas believed in many gods because they were polytheistic but one of their main gods was Inti (god of the sun). According to Inca mythology there were three worlds and they were created by their god Viracocha. These three worlds were:
Hanan Pacha (Heaven): it was a world in which only good people can go by crossing a bridge made of hair.
Kay Pacha (present world): it was the world in which all the humans live.
Uku Pacha (world of the dead): it was the world in which all the kids that did´t born and all the things under the earth were.
Inti and Viracocha were important gods but there were more important gods like: Mama Quilla (mother of the moon), Pacha Mama (mother of the earth), Mama Sara (mother of the corn or food) and Mama Cocha (mother of the sea).