Wednesday 4 May 2016

    Walking on the board

Pirates, we all know who they are, or at least whe think whe know who they are, but today I am going to tell you their history.

The pirates exist since navigation exist, in the ancient times we dont have many references but in some miths like Jason and the Argonauts they make piracy acts. 

In the Middle Ages the main pirates were the know well vikings, sea men who kill people and steal everything.
The first thing you must know about them is that the helmet with horns that apears in the movies dont were used by them
Their boats were small, flat and very fast, the draft (calado) was very small so they could navigate through not very big rivers.
They make many ravages (estragos) in French, Spain, Germany and the UK.
But they weren´t as bad as why think in their houses they cultivate, they have animals, a estable economy, and thir incursions to Europe were only 3 or 4 times a year.

In the mediterranean when the arabs start invading the Iberian Peninsula they make some incursions to steel goods.
The golden age of the pirates
The great moment for them was in the 16th century, the New world had been discovered and the europeans have to steel all its goods, also the comerce of slaves in Africa and America was generating many profits, and all that profit had to travel by some way and that way was through sea.
Corsairs, freebooters, pirates and bucaners
Usually people dont know the diference between this 4, but there are many diferences:
Corsairs: they were people who were take on by some goverment to atack the boats of other country, probabily the most known well of them is Sir Francis Drake a corsair under the goverment of Isabel I of England

Bucaners: people native from the caribe that atack the ships full of trasures, they dont care if they were Spanish, French, or English. Certain time later they join the Brotherhood of the Coast. The diference of the pirates was that the only place they ``work´´ was in the caribean sea. 

Pirates: people that navigate ilegally and assault boats or towns near the coast, the difference that they have with the bucaners and the freebooters is that they act all around the world and they exists in all ages. They were many very famus as: Edward Teach (Black beard), Calico Jack, Mary Read, Anne Bonne, Captain Kidd (Is is maybe more corsair than pirate), Robert the Pleasant (this was the gratest of all the, he capture a total amount of boats that superate the 300 in only 2 years, he is certainly the greatest pirate of all the times )

Freebooters: were the first pirates in the caribean, first they only atacked boats that were near the coast or towns near coast, they were very similar to bucaners, but his name come from the fact that they use very small boats (Brigantines, gunboats, etc). At first they were only small groups of people that assault boat to find a little money but later thy join to the bucaners and they form the Brotherhood of the Coast, but the europeans countries looking that they have many power they take on them making them someting like a mix between corsairs and pirates. The most famous of them was The Olones.
Robert the pleasant

Tuesday 3 May 2016


Galileo, one of the most renowned scientist of this time believes in the Copernican theory! This theory was rejected by the Church some years ago, but now Galileo also thinks that the Sun is the centre of the Universe! This scientist is now in the eye of the Inquisition today, in 1611. This Tribunal considers him a heretic and considers his theory absurd.
Some rummors say that Galileo is going to ask Pope Urban VIII to write about the Copernican theory, treating it as a mathematical hypothesis. Probably, he is going to discuss and compare the Ptolemaic and Copernican views.
Other people think that, if he publishes a book rejecting the Ptolemaic theory, he could be punished by the Church. What do you think? How is this story going to end?
We’ll keep you informed!


During the renaissance period education was viewed as one's own choice, not God's decision to be educated. Education was known as "Humanism" during this era.
The Humanists of the Renaissance created schools to teach their ideas and wrote books all about education. Humanist education was thought at the time as being an important factor to the preparation of life. Its main goal was to improve the lives of citizens and help their communities.
The children that attended the schools were generally from upper-class families, though some seats were reserved for poor but talented students. Females were not usually allowed to attend but were encouraged to know history, learn dance, and appreciate poetry. Public schools for everyone were still a long way off. Liberal arts were viewed as the key to freedom, which allowed humans to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Liberal studies included philosophy, history, rhetoric, letters, mathematics, poetry, music and astronomy. Education for Renaissance boys was of two sorts. There was classical education based on the Latin language for boys who planned to go on to a university. There was also education through apprenticeships for boys who planned to pursue a trade.

Girls received less education than boys during the Renaissance. Some girls did become well educated in the classics, and some also became apprentices. Many more were educated mainly in practical matters at home. In some cases, when a woman received an education it was said that it was for the benefit of a man.
Overall Humanist schools combined Christianity and the classics to produce a model of education for all of Europe.

Matchmaking bad turn

Year 1502
Today, I have gone to the representation of “La Celestina” in Seville. The author of this play is Fernando de Rojas. It has twenty one acts.
It is a tragicomedy about the love between Calisto and Malibea and the bad methods that use the matchmaker to make that they fall in love between them.
It has been very interesting despite it was a bit long. The script was brilliant and the actors were rather good. The best character was the matchmaker, he acts in an incredible way. Only the actor that was the character called Sempronio perform a bit terrific. He didn´t know his sentences and he spoke very low!
The decoration of the scenery and the costumes where amazing. They were pretty well done and they have a very interesting style.

By Carla Llavador.