Monday 12 March 2018


Have you ever asked yourself what wars were like and what weapons did they use to defend themselves in the Middle Ages?

  • WARS:
In a war there were two groups; the attackers and the defenders.

There were two types of strategies to attack; the first one is where the leader is, riding a horse with a sword in front of all his army, and behind him those who rode horses or on foot with swords and behind all those the ones who shot and protect their mates.
The second strategy was the same as the first one, but, the leader, instead of going in front of his army, goes behind.

Each side sent someone to try to find out information about the other side (how are they going to attack?, if they are going to set traps or not? ...).
If that person (who was like a spy), was discovered, they tortured him, and if he didn´t talk or they found out that he had lied, they killed him, but, if he spoke, it depends on what he said; they could leaved him as a prisoner, torturing him more, killing him or even sometimes letting him go.

They used weapons to defend themselves in wars. These are some examples of the most famous weapons in the Middle Ages:


The most recognised and used in the Middle Ages. There were more than 1000 different forms of this.


Weapon that serves to shoot arrows or bodoques, formed by an arc mounted horizontally on a support provided with a mechanism that thighens the rope and another that shoots.


Medieval weapon similar to a spear, whose tip is crossed by a blade. Sharp on one side and shaped like a half moon on the other.


Curved line portion specially of a circurferance.

Hammer of war:

Weapon terrebly inspiring fear could squeez the guds to the bravest just think it came to him.

There were more weapons like: dagger, spear, shield...


These tortures where used for different people, for example: witches, homosexual people or their enemies.

An example of torture is:

The wheel:

Consisted of a huge wheel in which the viscim was tied, a huge bonfire was lit underneath and for hours, the wheel was turned over the intense fire literally cooking the victim.

Other tortures are: The falaris bull, the crush thumbs, the colt, the stake and the stake, the pillory, the iron maiden and the pear of anguish.

With this we hope that, if you think again about how to go or what life was like in the past, you will think it twice.