Thursday 11 February 2016

A beautiful city: Salamanca


Salamanca is a city in Spain situated in Castilla and Leon.
This city dates from about 2700 in iron ages but the main foundations of it were established in the midddle ages, in this period was constructed the most famous building in Salamanca : the university of  Salamanca, made by Alphonse X, this university it is also the oldest one in Spain, also there is a tradition that consist on try to find a frog on its walls. 
In this magnificient city so many cultures have live, some of them are : muslims, teutons, romans, visigoths, etc
The old city was named human heritage  in 1988 and in 2002 was named European capital of culture.
During the muslim invasion was conquered and later deserted, after it was named ¨nobody´s land¨
but in 939 after the battle of Simancas was a little bit repoblated but it wasn´t competely repoblate after 1085 by Alphonse VI


The main old part of the city of salamanca is all constructed whit a specific type of rock called ¨piedra of  villamamayor¨  this rock was extracted from a quarry near salamanca, later during roman ages the rock they used was granite and another  type of sandstone extracted from Montjuic (Cataluña)
later in middle ages has culture decreases they don´t care about architecture and they used the rock they have the nearest, that was the ¨arenisca of villamayor¨.
Maybe many people think that in ancient times Salamanca was a big city but it wasn´t, in the XII when the city was covered by a wall the most part of it were lands and unedificated territory
During the ¨call reconquest¨ in salamanca there wasn´t any warrior on it, the main defense were the ¨serranos¨ a sheepkeeper that also was a warrior
Some important buildings of salamanca
Plaza Mayor : a barroque square constructed in 1750
Cathedrals : the old cathedral and the ¨new¨ cathedral, that is called new but it was constructed in the XVI
The shells house : is now a days a library, but if you want to now more things one of my mate have do another post.
The roman bridge : a roman bridge that cross along the Tormes river it dates from the I


  1. Great job about a wonderful city! Congrats Ivan!

  2. Great job about a wonderful city! Congrats Ivan!

  3. Very interesting article about one of the most famous cities in Spain. Good job! :)

  4. Great Iván, now it's complete and I'm happy ypu found something about the rocks!
