Wednesday 17 February 2016


INTERVIEWERS: Do you like history?
MARÍA GUERRA: I love it. History is formed by the basic things to know in life to understand everything.
I: What is your favorite age in history? Why?
M.G.: Contemporary age. Because I am living in this age and because the women position is better now.
I: Do you think that history is important for life? And for your job? Why?
M.G: Yes, is important for life because the things that have happened in the past make you understand the present.
For my job? Yes, because it is essential to know about the past of the people and understand their behavior now a days. And it is very important to teach boys and girls.
I: Do you usually use history references in jour work?
M.G.: Yes, sure. To speak about the present you can refer about the past.
I:Would you like to learn more about England history?
M.G.: I know about England history because I have study it in my degree.
I: Do you think that is important that the students study history in the school? And do you think that it s good that we study it in English?
M.G.: Yes, It is essential.
Yes, it is good because you enhance your vocabulary. and it makes you able to speak about a lot of different topics like history, politic and more things related with this.
I: ok, that is. Thank you.
M.G.: You’re welcome. It was so fine.

Interview by: Ángela Jimeno, Ana Sánchez, María Díaz and Carla Llavador.

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