Wednesday 10 February 2016

SEGOVIA ( THE ACUEDUCT) by Ángela Jimeno

Segovia is a Spanish city in the southern part of the independent community of Castilla and Leon, capital of the province of he himself name. It is located in the confluence of the rivers Eresma and Clamores, on the foot of the mountain range of Guadarrama. This city is well-known mainly by its great Roman aqueduct. His it stops more visible is the arcade that crosses the seat of the Azoguejo in the city.

For their construction, the Romans used forts scaffolds that supported the centerings, on which the voussoirs of the arcs were fitted, whose central stone, the key, had to be perfectly carved in wedge form thus to be able to exert the sufficient pressure.

There is a legend of the aqueduct of Segovia in which one tells that a girl raised every day until upper of the mountain and lowered with the full water pitcher. A day, is satiated with that, asked the demon who constructed some means so that he did not have to raise and to lower every day with the pitcher. Then, at night, devil appeared him and desire granted him in exchange for that, if were able to finish the aqueduct before the rooster sang, would have to give its soul to him. The girl acceded and the devil began to construct the aqueduct, moment at which the girl regreted it to have wished. Just when it had left a stone to finish, the rooster sang, which caused that the devil failed and the girl did not lose her soul. In the hollow that was it is where now the statue of the Virgin of the Fuencisla is put. And according to they say the holes that still we can see in stones could be the tracks of the devil.

Written by: Ángela Jimeno


  1. Oh, my loved Segovia. My family is from a village of this city. We love going to walk by its streets, specially by the Real Street which finishes in the Square where you can visit the Cathedral. Of course, it is neccessary to eat some piglet in a restaurant.
    It has been great reading something about the beautiful city of Segovia. As you can see, my English is not perfect, as yours but we can always improve it! Well done!

  2. Hi Ángela!
    Well done!
    A wonderful opinion of your city.
    It sounds great😊😊😊😊

  3. Hi Ángela!
    Well done!
    A wonderful opinion of your city.
    It sounds great😊😊😊😊

  4. Great job! I really enjoyed the legend. Do you know more legends about Segovia?

  5. Great job! I really enjoyed the legend. Do you know more legends about Segovia?

  6. No,I don't know more. And you?

    1. Angela, if you could reply to the post I'm quite sure you can upload your articles! To to do it with the last things you sent me! :)
